On April 18, 2018, a draft law on the implementation of Transitional Justice approach, developed over a period of 3 months by the Ukrainian human rights activists together with the Ombudsman, was presented at the hearings in the Ukrainian Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights.
Valeria Lutkovska
For Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, whose experts had been the core of its teamwork, this event has become one of the many successful results of the work on the Transitional Justice promotion for last 3 years.
Draft law has long enough title “Public policy fundamentals regarding Human Rights protection in the context of addressing armed conflict effects” (Fundamentals). But actually the draft is based on so famous documents, as:
Basic principles and guidelines on the right to a remedy and reparation for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law (United Nations Resolution, A/RES/60/147, 2006)
Human rights and transitional justice (United Nations Resolution, A/HRC/RES/12/11, 2009)
Right to the truth (United Nations Resolution A/HRC/RES/12/12, 2009)
The EU’s Policy Framework on support to transitional justice adopted by the Council of the European Union during its 3426th meeting on 16 November 2015
The purpose of the Fundamentals is to introduce a human dimension in the state policy in order to compensate the damages for war victims; to prosecute perpetrators; to exercise the right to know the entire historical truth about the course of events, as well as to guarantee non-recurrence of an armed conflict by implementing institutional reforms, searching for social unity and reconciliation paths.
Olexandre Pavlichenko (UHHRU)
Currently, the UHHRU is finalizing the advocacy and information strategy on the implementation of Transitional justice model in Ukraine. Implementation of this model calls for the involvement of all interested NGOs and authorities.
Excerpt from the Fundamentals is available by THIS LINK
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