The presentation of the Report of the International Expert Group will be held on 23d February as part of the Day of Crimea at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The event will take place on the 3rd floor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and will begin at 14:30. A prosecutor of AR Crimea Hyunduz Mamedov and a prosecutor of AR prosecutor’s office Zera Kozlyieva and prosecution spokeswoman Tatiana Tykрonchyk will represent the Prosecutor’s Office of ARC during the presentation.
Hyunduz Mamedov
Moreover, the speakers of the event will be Sergei Ostaf, Expert at OSCE and the Resource Center for Human Rights (CReDO, Republic of Moldova); Volodymyr Yavorskyi, Lawyer and Expert on freedom of assembly (Ukraine- Belarus); Heorhii Lohvynskyi, Vice President of PACE; Refat Chubarov, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the Mejlis; Yulia Kazdobina, Advisor to the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine; Andrii Shchekun, Chairman of NGO “Crimean Center of Business and Cultural Cooperation “Ukrainian House”; Daria Svyrydova, Lawyer of UHHRU.
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