The Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union has approached to Kostyantyn Yalovyi, the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Environmental Policy of Kyiv City Council, to consider the draft amendments to the legislation.
Olena Sapozhnikova
The lawyers of the Union together with environmental activists from various organizations have developed this Draft on the basis of Resolution No. 1 under the Project “Dumaidan – 2016: preserving green areas in cities and towns.” Olena Sapozhnikova, the lawyer, asked Kostyantyn Yalovyi and other members of the Standing Committee to examine the proposals and to contribute to the elaboration of the document. After its completion, a decision of the Commission can bring this project to the session of Kyiv City Council to consider the issue of amendments to the legal acts regulating environmental matters. The Ukrainian Helsinki Union hopes that the chosen amendments would be submitted to a vote of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Kostyantyn Yalovyi
On October 26, members of the Standing Committee of Kyiv City Council on Environmental Policy supported the statement of UHHRU by the majority of votes. They forwarded standard-setting proposals to the relevant departments of the Kyiv City Administration for their processing and transformation of amendments to the legislation.
Prepared by Oleh Shynkarenko
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