In the Uzhhorod Press Club, the press conference “Medical Services Availability to ATO Participants and Their Families” was held within the action plan of the Ukraine-wide educational program “We Understand Human Rights”.
Borys Kondratiuk, Executive Director of the NGO “Zakarpattia community”, said that the project is implemented in partnership with the NGO “Cherkasy Human Rights Protection Center”, NGO “MART” under the project “Active civil actions to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine”. The Educational Human Rights House- Chernihiv has been executing the project, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Borys Kondratiuk, Executive Director of the NGO “Zakarpattia community”
‘Six months ago, while conducting monitoring in the field of ATO participants’ human rights, we had seen the problem of their low awareness about medical services opportunities. Examining that there are certain problems in health care, we had understood: we must take certain steps and inform soldiers in this area. Today we have the opportunity to present some our products that are targeted at people living in Uzhhorod and on the whole territory of Ukraine. In particular, a social movie, a guide and brochures with the necessary information. The guide is compact, so even being in the ATO zone, soldiers can use the pocket guide, the telephone numbers there are up-to-date. Other publications – a booklet – is divided into three sections: health resort treatment, medical examination, and free medication,’ said Borys Kondratiuk.
Serhii Kuzniev, Chief Specialist of the Western inter-regional sector of the State Service of Ukraine for war veterans and ATO participants, noted that ATO participants often are not aware of such a privilege as health resort treatment for them. For example, in Irshavskyi District, among 63 soldiers who are registered, only two applications for health resort treatment were received.
Serhii Kuzniev, Chief Specialist of the Western inter-regional sector of the State Service of Ukraine for war veterans and ATO participants
‘We want to ensure that the state provides financial resources for this direction. Funding comes from Kyiv, and services are provided locally by the departments of social protection. One has to write an application and to be included in the register. Over the past year, 69 vouchers were received, and 64 of them were used’, said Serhii Kuzniev.
Victoriia Pfaifer, Head of the Office of affairs of persons with disabilities and veterans of the Labor and Social Protection Department of Uzhhorod City Council has informed that at present 1113 ATO participants are registered and 40 with disabilities. The health resort treatment is entitled to demobilized persons.
Victoriia Pfaifer, Head of the Office of affairs of persons with disabilities and veterans of the Labor and Social Protection Department of Uzhhorod City Council
‘First, one have to come with the relevant documents and be registered at the Department of Social Protection. There is a procedure for granting vouchers, if earlier the Ministry of Social Policy provided them. Since March this year, according to the new decree, the Ministry provides funding, and an ATO participant chooses a resort, we conclude a tripartite agreement. The cost of the vouchers is determined every year; this year it is UAH 6 300 per participant. Till now we were given UAH 25 000 – 5 vouchers. We are waiting for the remaining funds’, said Victoria Pfaifer.
Iryna Stoliarova, Deputy Head of Health Department of Uzhhorod City Council noted that the measures are adopted, according to which medical services to participants ATO are provided.
Iryna Stoliarova, Deputy Head of Health Department of Uzhhorod City Council
‘The city budget allocated funds. A program, providing benefits for war veterans, is in force. This year UAH 67 000 were allocated for this programme. This is also the provision of medicines for outpatient treatment, first-line treatment and so on. There are possibilities for free denture treatment; we did it in 2015. This year we received no requests from ATO participants “, said Iryna Stoliarova.
Implementation of the mini-project “Medical Services Availability to ATO Participants and Their Families” is done by NGO “Cherkasy Human Rights Protection Center” in partnership with NGO “MART”, NGO “Zakarpattia community” under the project “Active civil actions to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine”. The Educational Human Rights House- Chernihiv has been executing the project, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Opinions of developers and executors of the mini-project do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Educational Human Rights House- Chernihiv and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
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