This fall inbetween 20th and 27th of September delegation of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and its partners from different Ukrainian NGOs did visited OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meetingwith the extensive program of events aimed to attract public attention to the crisis in the conflict and occupied Ukraine.
Delegation included the following partners of the UHHRU:
Lawyers of the victims of the human rights violations in Crimea and Donbass
Program of specially organized events was mainly consisted of 5 round tables:
Is normal life in Donbas possible? The situation of civilians in the conflict zone in Ukraine
Conveners: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland) and German Russian Exchange (Deutsch-Russischer Austausch e.V.). Participants: Luhansk Regional Human Rights
Centre “Alternative”, Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Human Rights Centre “Postup”, Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives
21 September, Wednesday, 18:00, room 3 (tbc)
Donbas: Surviving hell.
Conveners: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Center for Civil Liberties, Coalition Justice for Peace in Donbas
Participants: Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine), Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland), Coalition Justice for Peace in Donbas, Kharkiv Human Rights Group, Public organisation “Mirny bereg”, Human Rights Centre “Pouts / Vostok SOS, Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives, Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial”
22 September, Thursday, 08:15, room 2
Freedom of speech and situation of journalists in Crimea
Convener: Human Rights Information Center (Ukraine). Participants: Human Rights Information Center (Ukraine)
23 September, Friday, 18:00, Belvedere room
Persecution of Crimean Tatars as a crime against humanity
Convener: International Partnership for Human Rights and Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Participants: SOS-Crimea
27 September, Tuesday, 13:00, Belvedere
Violation of rights of Crimean Tatars as of indigenous people
Convener: Crimean Tatar Resource Center
27 September, Tuesday, 18:00, Belvedere
Maxim Petrov and Boris Zakharov (Advocacy Center of UHHRU)
Additionally to the specially organized events UHHRU members met with representatives of the Permanent Missions to the OSCE, Ukrainian diplomats in Poland, and OSCE officials.
Among the advocacy meetings the following can be mentioned:
Meeting with Ambassador of the US to the OSCE Daniel Baer – 20.09.2016
Meeting with Ambassador of Sweden to OSCE Fredrik Löjdquist – 21.09.2016
Meeting with Ambassador of France to the OSCE Véronique Roger-Lacan – 22.09.2016
Participation in the Plenary session of the OSCE HDIM – 23.09.2016
Meeting with Acting Head of Human Rights Department of ODIHR Omer Fischer – 26.09.2016
Participation in the Annual Meeting of the Civic Solidarity Platform 24-25.09.2016
During the meetings representatives of the UHHRU and partners touched upon the following issues:
War crimes and crimes against humanity in east of Ukraine and Crimea
Situation of hostages in Donbass, enforcedly disappeared in Donbass and Crimea, as well as illegally detained in Crimea
Situation of IDPs and search for the sustainable solutions for them
Developments in the reform of law enforcement and judiciary in Ukraine and necessary improvements
Problems with freedom of expression on the occupied territories
Expert on the international advocacy of the UHHRU – Sasha Delemenchuk repeatedly took the floor at the different working sessions raising different concerns of work of the UHHRU, such as situation in Donbass and Crimea, as well as domestic reforms and situation of IDPs. Advocacy Director of the UHHRU Boris Zakharov gave interview to the Polish Radio.
Central event of the visit was Crimean Evening, which was entirely managed and organized by Advocacy Center of UHHRU. Event was visited by diplomats, heads of delegations, OSCE staff and representatives of the international organisations. Event allowed to attract unprecedented attention of public to the tragic situation in Crimea and human rights violations which take place there.
Photos by Sergiy Myasoedov and Svetlana Valko
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