On November 8, temporary commission for investigating the murder of Kateryna Handziuk and other activists started its work. UHHRU Executive Director Oleksandr Pavlichenko joined the work of the commission.
OleksandrPavlichenko promised the Commission to provide timely information on the cases of assault and persecution of the public activists, applying for legal support to the network of UHHRU public reception offices.
Oleksandr Pavlichenko (UHHRU)
The Commission is comprised of 18 MPs, and is headed by non-affiliated MP Boryslav Bereza, the deputy head is MP from Petro Poroshenko’s Block Sergiy Alekseev, and the Secretary is Olena Sotnyk from “Samopomich”.
The Commission includes 18 MPs:
Buglak Yuriy, BPP faction;
Karpuntsov Valeriy, BPP faction;
Nayem Mustafa-Masi,BPP faction;
Savrasov Maxym, BPP faction;
Yanitskyi Vasyl, BPP faction;
Alekseev Igor, BPP faction;
Vysotskyi Sergiy, BPP faction;
Geraschenko Anton, “Narodnyi Front” faction;
Pavlenko Yuriy, “Opposition Block” faction;
Shpenov Dmytro,“Opposition Block” faction;
Sotnyk Olena, “Union “Samopomich”” faction;
Lutsenko Igor, All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivschyna” party faction;
Shypko Andriy, “Vidrodzhennya” party group;
Rybchynskyi Yevgen, “Volya Narody” group;
Geraschenko Iryna, from non-affiliated MPs;
Yednak Ostap, from non-affiliated MPs.
The temporary commission will work for three months from the moment of its creation and will report after that. The next meeting of the commission is planned for Thursday, November 15, at 10:00. The temporary investigating commission shall present the results of its work in February.
Text and photo – Oleg Shynkarenko
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