In September 2018, UHHRU experts took part in the Mistechko USAID events in two Ukrainian cities (in Mykolayiv on September 8 and in Kramatorsk on September 22) on their respective City Days. The events were attended by projects and organizations that work with the U.S. Agency for International Development, implementing various program in territorial communities. UHHRU presented the program Responding to Human Rights Violations and Strengthening the Legal Capacity of Citizens and Human Rights Defenders in Ukraine (Human Rights in Action), implemented with the support of the USAID.
The Mistechko USAID featured a Human Rights in Action platform managed by the UHHRU. Residents of Mykolayiv and Kramatorsk were able to learn about UHHRU’s activities, human rights 101, and successful practices in human rights protection as well as about the work of UHHRU’s Documentation Center. Also presented there were reports of the Documentation Center, infographics Transitional Justice for Ukrainian Society in the Context of the Armed Conflict, and reports Transitional Justice: a Civilized Instrument for Conflict Resolution, Story of a City. Mariinka: In the Firing Line, Story of a City. Stanytsia Luhanska, Stories of Success from UHHRU’s Legal Aid Centers in 2016-2017. In addition, the Documentation Center conducted a survey of local residents to learn about the needs of those affected by the armed conflict.
Lawyer of UHHRU’s Kherson-based Crimea-focused LAC Viktor Vuyko (in Mykolayiv) and lawyer of another UHHRU LAC Maryna Kuprikova (in Kramatorsk) provided consultations related to the general problems of city residents as well those of IDPs and people that suffered during the ATO (namely such issues as loss of property by IDPs, benefits and social guarantees for ATO participants, access to college education for children of ATO participants, health, availability of land, as well as housing and employment issues). The most popular topics concerned the types of assistance provided by human rights defenders and their contact information.
UHHRU in Mykolayiv (6 photos)
UHHRU lawyer Victor VuykoUHHRU expert Valentyna Potapova
In Mykolayiv, UHHRU’s site was visited by Svetlana Hil (Deputy Director on Educational Work at Mykolayiv Law Lyceum) and Maya Varshavska (history teacher) with a proposal of cooperation within the framework of the program We Understand Human Rights.
In the course of the events, leaflets were distributed with information about the UHHRU as well as the USAID Human Rights in Action and We Understand Human Rights programs. Among other things, all willing and, most importantly, motivated people were able to get specialized literature, taken from UHHRU’s book fund (about 120 books in total).
UHHRU in Kramatorsk (6 photos)
UHHRU lawyer Maryna KuprikovaOlexiy Bida, coordinator of the UHHRU’s Documentation Center
Participation in the Mistechko USAID events is part of the advocacy and educational activities within the framework of the Human Rights in Action Program implemented by the UHHRU, with the aim of promoting and disseminating its achievements in Ukrainian regions as well as increasing the interest of Ukrainians toward the issue of human rights.
The Human Rights in Action Program regularly participates in the Mistechko USAID events and will continue to do so in the future. The Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union thanks our colleagues for wonderful organization and for the invitation.
Prepared by Valentyna Potapova (UHHRU)
The American people, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), have provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for 55 years. In Ukraine, USAID’s assistance focuses on three areas: Health and Social Transition, Economic Growth and Democracy and Governance. USAID has provided 1.8 bln technical and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine since 1992.