UHHRU press conference “Freedom of speech during information war and armed conflict”
On 19 January 2018 at 11:00 press conference “Freedom of speech during information war and armed conflict” will take place at the press center of news agency Glavcom (Kyiv, 8/20 Shovkovychna St.).
The press conference is based on the results of the study conducted by Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and CSO Detector Media over the course of 2017. UHHRU and Detector Media experts will analyze the main issues that developed in relations between the government and civil society in 2014-2017.
Invited guests:
Oleg Martynenko, head of analytics at UHHRU
Roman Shutov, program director, Detector Media
Maxym Butkevych, co-coordinator of No Borders project
Accreditation: (044) 2535474
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