Foreign and Ukrainian experts are talking about transitional justice
As the issues of transitional justice are of crucial importance nowadays, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union starts publishing the speeches of experts participated in the International roundtable discussion “Prospects for Implementing Transitional Justice in Ukraine”.
It is planned to make public six the most exceptional speeches of keynote speakers. Thus, we’d like to introduce to your attention remarks delivered by Andrew Solomon, Senior Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Advisor and USAID Democracy Fellow.
The new ones will be appearing periodically, so please keep on following our website not to miss one.
Let us remind that the event was held on May 25, 2016 in Kyiv at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and brought together about 65 participants – representatives of government agencies, diplomatic missions, experts from international organizations and Ukrainian NGOs and also researchers from the leading Ukrainian academic institutions.
It is being a part of the baseline study on implementation of transitional justice in Ukraine, which is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the Human Rights in Action Activity implemented by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
The American people, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), have provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for 50 years. In Ukraine, USAID’s assistance focuses on three areas: Health and Social Transition, Economic Growth and Democracy and Governance. USAID has provided 1.8 bln. technical and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine since 1992.
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